Common Public Statements
Content wrapped in [] is optional input, and content wrapped in <> is required input.
The content after the colon :
is the default value or description.
The commonly used public statements are as follows:
tell Public Statement Built-in
Send a message
Standard format:
tell <action>
tell color "&aHello, Kether!"
command Public Statement Built-in
Execute a command
Standard format:
command <action> [as <player/op/console>]
command inline "give {{ sender }} diamond 1" as op
actionbar Public Statement Built-in
Send an action bar message
Standard format:
actionbar <action>
actionbar "&aHello, Kether!"
bossbar Public Statement Only YuSeries Plugin
Send bossbar message
Standard format:
bossbar <id:unique> <title> [-color <color:WHITE>] (-style <style:SOLID>) (with <tick:20>)
Send a bossbar message with the content "Hello, Kether!", color white, style solid, and duration 20 ticks:
bossbar "test" "Hello, Kether!" -color WHITE -style SOLID with 20