Discord Guild Present
Welcome to Yu's Studio
This is a Discord group mainly for selling plugins and plugin communication, and also for plugin customization and other project customization. Click here to join the group
Where to start?
- If you are here for a specific plugin, then you can directly find the plugin you are looking for in here and get its detailed information.
- If you are here for plugin customization, please read the content in here carefully. When you start the customization, we will assume that you accept the corresponding terms.
- If you are here for cooperation, please directly DM me
- If you are just here to browse, then you can check out all the channels.
Learn about our plugin projects
You can check out the YuSeries series plugins and my partner plugins list in here.
Our business
- Minecraft plugin customization
- Minecraft flat art design
- Minecraft simple model creation
- Discord bot customization If you want to customize, please go to here to open an order.
Don't want to miss out on updates to your favorite plugins?
Our bot has an automatic reminder feature, which can remind you of the update of your favorite plugin in the first time! Please subscribe to your favorite plugin reminder in here.